Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends

Cost Effective Maestro System

Choosing the right hardware can mean reducing the amount of time a builder spends wiring a console from days (or weeks) to a few hours. Suitable for 2-3 manual organs, in this Maestro system, all connections to the ITX computer use either USB, Ethernet, or MIDI. 

ITX computer

The brains of the system is an ITX computer running Linux OS. This computer is mounted in a small box, not the standard grey box, as none of the lid connections will be needed.





Stops will use the LRT-5, this is similar to the older LRT-3A, but the connection uses USB. These will come pre-configures with board number, stop number, and MIDI channel. All that a builder needs to do (after mounting) is plug in a power adapter and a USB cable. One USB cable is used per board, going to a USB Hub which will be labeled, so the builder knows which board goes where. Dual magnetic rocker tabs and drawknobs will not be used in this type of system







The MIDI Pro keyboards come in standard white/black, cherry, or ebony and up to 24 lighted Klann pistons. The pistons do not have to be lighted, and you do not have to use all 24 pistons. A thin veneer may be applied to the black metal piston rail for both aesthetic reasons, and to hide the unused piston locations. The pistons come already mounted and programmed, the builder mounts the keyboards and plugs them in using USB. Any control pistons, such as Up, Down, and Transpose which are wanted need to be on the piston rail. The builder may use either our key cheeks or make their own.

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A Nexanix GC1016 Touch Screen would be mounted, probably in a drawer under a jamb, and provide all the control interface that the organist and builder would need. This includes, setting Registration Sequencers, MIDI Record / Playback, and Diagnostics. The organist will probably still want a small display and a couple of basic controls on the CMK pistons, for ease of use while playing.





One or two small displays may be mounted on the nameboard for quick reference by the organist while playing. The first would contain information about Memory Level, Registration Sequencer, Transposition, and Crescendo stage. The second, if used, would be a bargraph for the Crescendo and Expression shoes.

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Classic has an AGO 32 note MIDI pedalboard which comes either finished or unfinished. If you already have a pedalboard, we do also carry a switch kit (no magnets) that will produce MIDI outputs.

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Shoes & Toe Studs 

Classic has both expression shoes and toe stud kits, with Syndyne toe studs, which connect to the MIDI Pedalboard.


If the chamber is small enough and  pipes are close enough to the console, the console could be run from driver boards in the console. For an average size or larger chamber, an Ethernet cable or a wifi connection is used to connect the console to a standard chamber grey box.


Pricing (2022 US$)

25-ITX-J1900 Mini-ITX J1900 12VDC.REV.A31.1 $500.00
25-ITX-CASE mini ITX case, power adaptor $100.00
11-LRT-5A/LED Lighted USB Rocker tabs (engraved) $30.00/sw
15-CMK-3BW MIDI Black/White Organ Keyboard $525.00
13-CMK-3B-PR-K9P-20 20 Piston Rail, for plastic keyboard, not lit $750.00
56-CPL-GC1016 Nexanic 10.1" Open-Frame Touchscreen $500.00
15-CPL-OLED-160-G2 oLED colour graphic display $250.00
13-MPB-AGO32WA-2 AGO MIDI Pedalboard $2095.00
13-SSM-001B Swell Shoe for MIDI Pedalboard, black rim $250.00
13-CHW-CTS-16 16 Chrome Toe Stud Kit $799.00

Prices and parts subject to change without notice. 

This is not to be taken as an estimate for a whole system, several items are missing such as networking equipment, power switching, and engineering. Contact Classic OrganWorks for a customized estimate.